There is so much to be done and I don't think I'm going to get it done in time!
The List of the things to do as followed:
- Do Art and lots of it!
- Sort party money out and stuff, ORGANIZE it!!
- Get ready for tonight!
- Do Merchant of Venice, which was meant to be in beofre the summer! Oh Crap!
- REVISE for Mocks
There's only a few things on the list, but a few of them are alot of work!
Art has to be handed in soon and well I still have bits of it to do, I say bits I mean ALOT!
And my god this party is stressing me out to the max no joke, I'm that sad I couldn't even go to sleep last night because I was just thinking about it! and well the dream wasn't much better either, it was that we did have the party but we didnt get the invitations done but people stil did come and well its seemed to be over in five minutes!
It's not just paying it though theres organizing well all of it, the people, the music, the invitations!
I do want the party but at the same time I don't I'm on two minds of it...
Tonight at t'w I am really looking forward to, it's going to be so old school, do silly little things which you would do if you were little, but thats what I love.
I have to get all dressed up and I don't know how to do my hair or my face?
I want it to look good but I can tell now it's not going to go as planned, nothing ever does!
Merchant Of Venice I would actually love to shoot right now!
I have no idea what it's about, no joke, it was meant to be in before summer and I haven't even done a stupid little crappy draft on it!
it's a BIG FAIL!
REVISION= Zilch, non!
Really need to get cracking on with it, but I actually don't know how to revise, it's to confusing!
Oh and another thing I'm worried about is that my phone bill may be a little bit higher than usual, I'm hoping just a little otherwise I think I might be shot!
I don't think I've ever gone over but this time I feel like I have texted too much and rang too many times :/ Oh crap bag.
Right off to try and well do something with well everything!
Love K,
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