Thursday, 30 September 2010

Not A good blogger.

Hello people who read this :)

So I'm thinking all these posts that I have made are probably the worst ones ever! My life doesn't seem that interesting compared to other peoples blogs, like I can't talk about boys or interesting stuff as well my life just isn't that coool! I would love to write about that sort of stuff but I can't.

So every time I have made one of these blog things I've been that sad to actually go and spell check it, this is how sad I am! Okay this is complete and utter crap I am talking! So tomorrow is casual clothes day and well were supposed to wear something yellow :/ I don't quite fancy wearing yellow, I don't think I own anything which is nice that is yellow, I'll just say my hairs yellow :) but I have no idea what to wear, I never used to be that bothered what I wore but lately I hate it because I hate it when you get the looks of up and down, it’s like as if they approve of your outfit? Oh and what I love is when they do look at it and you can tell there not that keen on it so they look you up and down in it for a while then you can tell what they think of it by their face expression!

There’s too much work to do and there isn't a lot of time, I have to stay back after school to finish my stupid investigation, like every night!, oh god and then there’s fricking art, which i wish would die, god I wish I never took art, it’s not what I thought it would be! Oh god and then on top of that there’s house music festival, which is going to be a big massive fail, I don't understand why Quaker even bother, we might as well just go on and freestyle it! I'm so glad hockey has finished now, the first match was the most embarrassing thing ever, I don't know how many times I embarrassed myself in that one match, it’s even worse when everyone is watching! So I decided not to wear my glasses as well I didn't want to break them, a VERY BAD IDEA... well I tackled my own team member which went down a treat :/ I was practically crying on the pitch as I hate it so much, not a good day that was :(

Oh also today, well this morning I decided I wasn't going to get much for dinner, but as I walked into dinner I ended up having a fricking chicken tikka wrap and tray bake, so healthy, and so much for losing weight! It’s so annoying, I wish I hadn't quit swimming now as well the weight is piling on :O I have got to have lost weight by prom otherwise I will cry, I just need to get that little bit motivated, which I'm lacking right now in basically everything!

Right I think thats enough for tonight, need to go and well search through the wardrobe for something decent to wear.

Talk sooon,

Love K,

P.S I'm looking forward to tomorrow night me thinks :)

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

If you don't like something change it; if you can't change it, change the way you think about it ~ Mary Engelbreit

Right I have decided that i am thinking of a change and I don't mean just physically, I mean also hopefully mentally if that makes sense! :/ So I'm going to try and be a happier person, and try and not be so moody and angry quite a bit of the time, I say this but by tomorrow I will have found something which will have wound me up! I'm going to try and be nicer to people even if I know that they don't like me but it’s better to like people then to have enemies :) So hopefully if I become happier I will feel happier, this sounds lame but I know what I mean. OOoooh I also need to cut down on the sarcasm, that might be a bit of a tuffy :S I really need to sort out my room, it’s actually horrendous!! I wouldn't be surprised if something had died in it :O I've done a bit of it but there’s a lot still to be sorted out, need to start chucking out the crap! Oh and there is in need of some early nights, me thinks :) I wish sleep lasted longer than the day and not go so fast that it feels like five minutes :( Hockey today at lunch, think it was the first time I actually hit the ball, wasn't a good hit but at least I touched the ball :) Oh and FML casual clothes day, what hell it is! I hate the look of up and downs at people’s outfits, I hate it because everyone will turn up looking lovely and then there will be me like a dog, arghhhh!

Right so the early nights are starting now! :)

Love K,

Monday, 27 September 2010


Don't you just wish you could make a blog like gossip girl and then like have all the gossip sent to your phone! I sound crazy but it would be so good :) I'm so glad gossip girls started up again, it makes me want to be like them, live in the Upper East Side and get to wear amazing clothes! Oh that would be the life (:

So I don't know what to write about but I quite fancied writing a post. Okay so house music festival is a complete and utter disaster, it’s in like three weeks and well our Choir hasn't even decided on a song which is good! I just wish they would just cancel hmf as everyone is hating it! Oh I'll tell you what I am loving though and that’s this winter feeling, I love walking to school in the darkish mornings and then the day not brightening up.

So lately everyone has been talking about prom, for god sake it’s not till after we leave school and that’s not like for another 9 months away! Oh and then it goes onto what dress you’re going to wear, or how are you going to wear your hair and make-up! But what really hates me is how basically everyone in the year has decided on who they want to go to prom with, and there’s me who will end up turning up by myself, how nice!

I'm thinking about possibly having people round mine soon, nothing big just a little gathering of people, I don't know who to invite though and would some people even want to go? Nobody cares about me saying this!

Right I have just thought of what I have wrote on this post and well it sounds like the most boring thing ever, I couldn't really think what to write about, hopefully I'll write about something interesting and not complete and utter crap.

Love K,

Sunday, 19 September 2010

Things Are Changing...

I guess things are changing whether I like them or not, I suppose. But the more I think about things, I think the more paranoid and worried I get over things. This weekend has not being very enjoyable, Friday night was pants, but one of my friends told me the funniest thing, which cheered me up a bit, but getting left out of things isn't nice, but I guess that’s just life, it was possibly the funniest thing I had ever heard happening! Recently I have learnt who my real friends are, I know it sounds cheesy but it’s true! I know I can trust them to be there :) And I have also learnt that some people just aren't worth it and to just laugh a little more!

So Saturday started off early, we got the car all loaded, well I say 'we' more like my dad, it’s weird to watch someone’s belongings to just be packed up and moved to somewhere completely different. So we arrived there unpacked all the stuff and made the room look really nice and homey, it did seem weird and a bit sad to be honest. So we hit the city center for a couple of hours of shopping, I did enjoy that, I got myself a few cheeky winter items, which I love! The funniest thing was when I hit Hollister and I was smelling all the body lotions and stuff, someone decided to set off a stink bomb! Now the best bit was to watch all the staff run round like crazy spraying the whole shop and clothes, the smell kept creeping back though! So after a long day of hard work, we all went out for 'the last supper' it was very nice indeedy :) It then came to the hard goodbyes; I didn't want to cry even though it felt quite emotional! But I can't wait to go and visit :)

So having a crappy Friday night and then someone close to me move away was not very enjoyable, Saturday night didn't seem to get any better either, so just as I went out it starts to rain doesn't it?! So everyone decides to go home, so pointless to go out! And then to walk quite a bit out of my way to find that I had to go home was not much fun!

So to end on that, hopefully everything will pick up soon, well I'm hoping so, but I do not like all this change in everything! I get paranoid that people don't like me and hate me, which isn't good, but now I know that some people are just not worth it! And that groups are changing!

Love K,


Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Getting Older, But Looking Younger By The Year

Is it just me or does year seven seem like yesterday? That was probably the best year of secondary school without a doubt. People have changed over the years, but i guess that’s just us growing up, it’s weird to look back and think WOWZAA you have really changed, you used to be a tom boy, who wouldn't been seen dead wearing make-up or skirts and now all you do wear is those two things. I loved my class in year seven, they were basically the only people you talked to the most as they were in every single one of their classes, there would be the slight smile or the nod of the head at old friends or people you used to talk to, maybe even a shy Hi, but that’s how things were, it’s what you got used to. I remember how weirdly our class all got on, but at the same time there would be the odd fights or too. I won't mention names but if you were in my class you will probably know what I'm talking about, such as the paint fight incident where there may have been a few shirts ruined in this process, or when two certain someone’s rebelled an skived science to sit in a skip, it was even more funny when they got dragged in by leadership by the ear and they were sent straight to the front to tell us where they had been and why they had missed our lesson. Oh then there was the classic history fight, where a certain someone may have got sent out for egging them to on :p The old school, felt more like school, it felt real, this just feels like we are trapped in a hamsters cage and there’s no way out, without unlocking! I loved reading all the graffiti and the writing on the desk which people wrote, oh the classic 'Bladdy Blah LOVES S.V.S' or their names with what year they came and what year they were leaving.

Oh and the disgusting toilets in Quaker and Cuthburt, where you actually couldn't go to because either there were the cool people smoking, or the toilets stank that bad that they made you want to vom in your mouth and swallow it! To be honest I missed the smokers in the toilets and in the trees, it made going to the toilet more interesting, not that the toilet is interesting or anything! I remember one time someone and I were messing about in science and were writing things on the wood about each others as jokes and then the teacher came along and made us stay behind to wash what we wrote off, it wasn't easy I must say as it was wood! Oh and I bet everyone remembers that lovely fire drill which went wrong for the teachers, as by the time we got out to the ca r park it was chucking it down and we weren’t allowed back in yet, so we all stood there getting soaked, the best bit was that we got to go home because we were all wet through, they said to come back after you got changed, nobody did ;) Oh and another thing was, when we were in year seven the year eleven boys were like full grown men with beards and the girls were so pretty, they all had the lovely hair and clothes, which made you slightly jealous, well I'm telling you now, the year elevens each year get younger looking, we look about year nine or ten! I had a lovely group of friends in year seven, they were all so lovely, but I guess as the years change so do the classes and so do the friendship groups.

So next was year eight, that was quite a good year but year seven had to be better, year eight only seems like last year I remember my English table there was four of us girls on it and as we got more and more bored of the lessons, it made us do the saddest things such as making 'The list' now this list was just any list, this list was made for all those people who went out with each other at the time. So the list started off just out of boredom but then as the lessons got more boring the list looked more and more interesting, it went on for basically most of the year. I don't know what actually happened to the lists as there was quite a few of them! What else happened in year eight.... I actually can't think as all I can think of is the English times, oh wait yes that’s right now once again the friendship groups changed a bit, but there was the same old year seven crew :)

Right I'm probably boring you all so I think I might just stop there

Love ?

Saturday, 11 September 2010

9/11 2001, A Day Which Will Not Be Forgotten.

This day will never be forgotten, in years to come this day will still be remembered for its sadness and of all those people who lost their lives, which were taken in a matter of hours.

It has been nine years since America was attacked by terrorists. Many innocent people lost their lives that day. I still remember when it happened, it made me feel sick and I actually cried. Why did they do it? Just why? Why take the lives of that many people? It’s just wrong! Watching videos of it and seeing pictures of the attacks is just awful, it’s such a sad thing which should not have happened. I feel proud of the people who went into help that day, those brave firemen, workers, people who were just passing by they were the heroes of that day, they went into save other people’s lives even if they were risking their own. They were such brave people; they saved many lives that day.

R.I.P 9/11♥

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Dancing at Discos Eating cheese On Toast

It has taken me about two hours to actually get this thing working! And once I've actually come to writing about something, I actually don't know what to write...

Oh by the away you may be disappointed about this blog as I’m sorry to say it’s not going to be about 'Dancing at discos eating cheese on toast', as much as I wish it was, so if you want to stop reading you may.

As I've got older many different things in my life have changed from changing schools, moving abroad, making new friends to just actually growing up and realising many things are much more different once you've grown up. Life does seem to be flying by, I mean I can remember being small and learning how to ride my bike without stabilizers to my early days of school. I do miss being little, everything seemed to be so much more fun and relaxed, the worst thing you could worry about would be something so small, like what will mum say when I tell her I accidentally spilt a bit of Ribena on the carpet. Now being older there is so much more to think about, like are you going to do well in life, or are you making the right decisions now. But at the same time you can feel like you couldn't give a care in the world. Wouldn't you just love it if life sort of just slowed down for at least a second, just so you could take it in!

I tell you what I can't wait for...

I can't wait to put on my big winter coat when the weather changes and walking to school on a cold bitter morning just listening to something cheery on your pod. I can't wait to go to Newcastle or York and shop in the dark but with the Christmas lights on and everywhere you look is busy shoppers picking up the last bits and bobs for the big day, but you can feel the excitement behind it at the same time. Christmas is probably the best time of year; it’s by far better than summer.

What I love about it is that everyone is so cheery and happy even though it is a busy time of the year. I love waking up on Christmas morning and feeling the excitement of what you might get, I must admit it was more exciting when you’re younger, but I still love it. I love putting on the cheeky Christmas songs while opening your presents and when you just want to rip them all open your mum asks if you'll have a picture with them, which makes it much longer to actually open them! Oh you can't beat homemade stuffing though! Or a lovely turkey roasting in the oven.

Sorry for boring you.

Love From ?       x